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We learned from books

Bismillah IrRahman IrRahim,


Welcome to the newest project of Magribine Press to provide modern Islamic classics to Muslims in the West. Magribine Press was founded in 1988 in Charleston, S.C. to study Arabic slave narratives and the field of American Islamic literature. The first projects were the limited edition journal Meditations from the Bilali Muhammad Research Society, a reprint of the final interview of Malcolm X, and a provisional translation of the 19th century fiqh manual Meditations by Bilali Muhammad of Sapelo Island, Georgia. Since then, over a dozen American Islamic texts have been printed by Magribine Press, along with studies of American Islamic periodicals and Bosnian American immigration.

Three projects are currently underway: preparing an electronic edition of the original library of the Muslim Religious and Cultural Home of Chicago, reprinting all the works sold through Muhammad Alexander Russell Webb’s Moslem World, and printing annotated translations of selected publications of the Hrvatska Muslimanska Knjižnica.

There were around eighty works published by Hrvatska Muslimanska Knjižnica, and those which deal directly with Islamic identity and faith will be the ones published first. These include poetry, novels, mevluds (poetry on the Prophet Muhammad’s birth and life), and essays on various aspects of Islamic law, practice and history. Each volume will include the Bosnian language original and the source text (if it is a translation from Arabic, French, or Turkish) and English translation whenever possible. 

The first three works that are to be reprinted are: a short essay on the morals of the Prophet Muhammad by Albert Fua, a work on ritual prayer according to the Hanafi Madhhab, and a translation of a work upon the medical benefits of the annual Islamic fast during the month of Ramadan.

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